
Seven Hells



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
06-18-2020, 04:00 AM

Mortis Fatalis was on a hunt. He wanted to bring down an arctic bear. He had never actually seen one in person, but his dad had a wicked coat. A big, white, fluffy thing that lay in the family den. He had heard the story of how he, and a couple of other wolves, had taken down the mighty creature. He knew that if he could take down a polar bear, he would be one of the best hunters in the Armada.

With his clever Kea Saph on his shoulder, and leopard, Osiris at his side, the brave young hunter ventured forward.

The journey turned out to be a long one. He would have gotten lost if it wasn’t for Saph’s sense of direction, leading him on. He made it as far as the Gorge, finding no such beast to hunt in all that time. The cool wind bit into his coat, and his wings lay gently raised on either side of his body. His face was a picture of concentration, as he raised his head to the scent, looking for any trace of bear. He assumed it would smell something like Seer’s companion. When no such scent reached him, he huffed softly in frustration.

He moved a little further, and then caught the greyish tone of something in the white landscape. He narrowed his eyes, concentrating, and the form turned into that of a wolf. Not a bear… but maybe she would know where to find one

He bounded forward, using his wings for balance as he took each step with a leap. “Heeeey there” he called out to her.
