
paddy cake is for babies



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-18-2020, 05:54 AM
Siren wasn’t getting any bigger. Where her brothers were shooting up like weeds the tiny child felt like she was stuck in place. Maybe she really did have a curse over her head, it really felt like it with how much she tripped over her long fur. Her height seemed to stall but her fur length hadn’t. Her tail was twice the length of her body easily, and even with her mother’s help it was tangled and matted. Not at all princess-like.

She felt lonely too. Inc was nearly invisible these days, her mother distanced herself from her, and even though Chimera bothered her she would have preferred his annoyances to feeling like this. Alone. Her head hung and her ears drooped as she walked the beaches of the main land. For a long time she debated going and seeing Mort. He’d said he would look out for her but she realized that he was too busy with his own princely duties to keep a pretty blue eye on her. She’d been content with her random family members keeping her company but she still felt like something was missing.

Maybe she would have to just take care of herself. The idea of being royalty seemed so much different than her mother first told her about. She was dirty, disheveled, and no one wanted to play with her. She hummed lightly as she stopped in the sand and reclined onto furry haunches. She didn’t see the massive lizard racing up behind her with its jaws as big as her agape and ready.