



Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-19-2020, 02:58 AM
Malalia Fatalis

She snorted faintly at the concession. Awash in self-pity, Cairo was not, though she hadn't expected any less from the brute. Mal just hoped he wasn't being too hard on himself. At least she was able to relieve a bit of his worry, and her tail swept across the floor behind her as the crinkle in his brow smoothed away. The girl chittered at his 'forever,' silently agreeing. Dragging yourself through an illness probably seemed ten times worse as a pup.

It was a kind of wry comfort, hearing that she wasn't the only one with trouble in the family. The gravity in his words and his eyes, as Cairo spoke of Artur, had not been unlike her own when she'd spoken to Mortis of his wayward brother. She could tolerate the boy, up and until his morals led him to bully his packmates, or lead them into danger. Hopefully, Mortis would win the competition for heir, and she wouldn't even have to worry about it. And yet she did, and often. Azure was ferocious in his conviction, and trained just as hard as his brother. Perhaps he would be satisfied once he had his throne, but she had her doubts.

Cairo loved Artur, though. She couldn't necessarily say the same of Mortis' other three siblings, not like she'd loved Ney and Sergio. They were pack, and she would defend them until her last breath, but tacking on a surname didn't erase Asla's hatred, or Azure's apathy.

She shook her head, and her mind returned to the present, her head raising a few inches at Cairo's reveal. "He — are you kidding me?" She exhaled forcefully, closing her eyes. "Azure," she murmured, "is a little shit, and I am not surprised. I'm only sorry that Aurielle had to meet him. Hopefully he'll learn a little more about respect." She would've been disappointed to learn of the lack of reprimand; Sirius was usually no-nonsense about that kind of thing. The boy had been given a strike for picking a fight with Mal, after all.

Eyes open, a bit of a snort escaped at Cairo's mutterings. "Nahhh, they probably ate it all up while you were gone."
