
Life on Mars



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-19-2020, 09:34 AM

Askan huffed a sigh, his ears tilting back in frustration. In part he was tempted to just turn around and head back...well, the way he'd came from he supposed. More often than he'd like his mind lingered on the h word, like it held any meaning here. It was a big chip on his shoulders, splitting into a crack that weaved its way down his spine. But so what? Everyone had their issues, Askan just happened to wear all of his on his sleeve,  written in bright red ink for the whole world to see.

He turned, brows furrowing and eyes squinting, when he heard the muted rustle of footfalls. Sure enough there was a stranger behind him, settled on her rump in an attempt to appear as nonthreatening as possible, he supposed. Pfft. As if he was that weak of heart, or like he needed coddling. He'd been about to say as much, some sort of snarky remark that would out him as the prickly porcupine that he was, but she spoke before he could get a word in. The east? Askan looked to his left, lips pursed in thought. Out of spite he didn't really want to take her advice, after all who was she to tell him what to do? But on the other paw, well maybe he would like to see some beaches and hot springs. It'd certainly break up the monotony of wandering through fields and forests.

"Hmm." Askan grumbled as he planted his arse down on the ground as well.

It was only then he took the time to get a proper look at her. Now this was a kind of wolf that he was used to, tawny and normal, like a breath of fresh air. A glint of silver caught his eye and that's when he noticed the bracelet on her back left leg, it was a pretty little trinket, the sort Askan knew his sisters would have fawned over. Typical women.

He could tell she was a pack wolf, the scent of others clung to her coat, but she didn't belong to the pack closest to the river. The smell was similar, in the same way that leaves were like grass, close but not the same. The fact that she knew the area well suggested that she lived nearby too, which was a little odd now that he thought about it. After all, most wolves were territorial bastards, usually kicked up a massive fuss if a pack settled down too close to their borders. So he couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on here?

"I assume you're from around these parts then, since you know so much."

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