
This Is Your Captain Speaking

Raider Promotions + 2nd wave discussion


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-22-2020, 09:59 PM

The first to arrive were Drifa and Yurei. He nodded a greeting to the both of them, proud of how they both aided not just their own members, but to the opposition as well. Yurei especially...while she wasn't the most confident of wolves, he had heard she did an exceptional job. Song and Kirsi showed up next, and he greeted them both as they took their places. They had both done an excellent job, too. His niece arrived, and as she found her place he offered a smile and a nod to her. She and Kirsi had been the last two out of the raid, and both had come away victorious. When Kai showed up, however, Ace's demeanor turned serious again. He didn't have much to say to him, and while he hadn't watched Kai fight, he didn't doubt that the tusked male had barely tried to secure a win, if at all. Honestly, he couldn't wait to be rid of the man after this next raid. Greed, Ignis, and Tyto followed next, and he was aware that the three had been taken out early on. Ignis seemingly taking it harder than anyone considering he had fought some point, he knew he'd have to make some time to speak to his nephew about it. That was the least he could do...

Gaze rose up then to find Incendio arriving, the boy looking at him expectantly though Ace didn't say anything to him yet but knew why he was there. And then...his daughter. She arrived just after Incendio and sat right in front, even speaking up about why she wanted to go. While he didn't want his little girl to get hurt...she was right...but he'd acknowledge that after everything else. "Sit tight then, we've much to discuss." He muttered to her before looking up at the others. He noticed Bellamy wasn't among them, but then remembered he thought it best she did not join them this time. Not after the last incident, anyway. It was still too soon.

Clearing his throat, he started to address them. "Thank you for coming. As you know, this particular meeting is for those that were part of the first raiding party, and also those who wish to participate in the next one. As I also mentioned, those who participated in the first were to receive promotions, and I intend to make good on that promise. Bear in mind, however, that we still have another raid to do. So if you don't get your promotion today, it is because I am still deciding where to place you, or I wish to speak with you about it and you will receive your new title after the next raid. If you're not entirely pleased about your new promotion, or if you have something else in mind, you're welcome to speak to me after this meeting. So let's start with promotions first, shall we?" He turned his gaze to each member (barring Kai of course) that had gone with him the first time. He would turn first to Song and Kirsi. "Song and Kirsi, I would like to promote the two of you to Knight. You both did an excellent job in battle, and I commend you for your efforts." He nodded to both of them as he offered a small smile. Next, he turned to Tsunami and Tyto. While he was aware the boy hadn't done as well as his sister, his efforts would still be acknowledged. He'd seen them both train on their own from time to time, though Ace was well aware personal training and actual fighting were far different. "Tsunami. Tyto. I'd also like to promote both of you to Knights. You both did very well. I want the two of you to help and learn from one another, and I have no doubts that the two of you will grow much stronger than you are now."

He smiled at the two of them before moving on to Yurei. "Yurei, I hear you did well in helping your comrades after the battle. I'd like to promote you to Maester. You've worked hard and you show promise. I have no doubts you will soon reach Archmaester or beyond." He offered her a smile along with a dip of his head. Next, he turned to Drifa, someone he knew had been doing exceptionally well in her craft since she joined them. "Drifa, your work in the pack has not gone unnoticed. You've been a valuable asset to us since you joined our ranks, and I know this is long overdue. Should you accept, I would like to promote you into the rank of Grand Maester." He would stop there for now, waiting to see if they would accept their new positions or not before continuing with the rest of the meeting.

ooc//Soooo sorry for the delay, it's been a weird rounds due 6/29 so we can speed this along. If you can throw in a quick bare minimum post to acknowledge your chars promotion or w/e then that'd be great, thanks!
