
Starring role



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-21-2020, 10:40 AM

Hmm, Askan supposed that made sense. He'd made note of it earlier but that would explain why the cat didn't seem to know how to fight, that it could only flail, hiss and stand its ground like its paws were caught in mud. If it was truly sick then in a way they'd done it a mercy, saved it from whatever suffering it would have endured down the road. A silver lining if anything, he supposed. Askan had never seen a bear wandering around in the winter months, but he'd heard a tale or two, that they tended to be dangerous, erratic blood thirsty beasts who had little common sense left in them.

Askan bit back the urge to lick his lips, just in case it was catching.

The stranger was a lot better at showing gratitude than he was. It practically shined from her, bright and earnest and Askan found himself...feeling a little bashful. Oddly enough. He shifted his weight from one paw the other, his brows furrowed as his tail began to wiggle just a little. It was what he deserved really and he would have been awfully offended if she hadn't thanked him in one form or another,  but he supposed that he hadn't expected her to be so nice, like she actually meant it. Like he was actually deserving of praise and gratitude. Askan cleared his throat and his tail flicked to a standstill.

"Probably." He was quick to agree, wanting to brush his uncertainties aside."Askan Selwyn.  It's nice to meet you, I guess." See, he could he civil-ish. But he wasn't sure where to go from here, conversations didn't always flow naturally for him. "I'm leaving, this place is a shit hole, not worth the time. You can come if you want, just till we're clear."

And least then he'd be certain she wouldn't be eaten by another cat as soon as he turned his back. As to where she went from there, he didn't really care. Clearly she could look after herself well enough, she wasn't skin and bones and apart from a few scratches from the brambles she seemed fine enough.
[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]