
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-28-2013, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2013, 10:38 PM by Erani.)


Of This Land by Clannad on Grooveshark

Snowy haunches parked on the snowy ground as deep blue pools studied the expanse of snow before her. She sought something here, in the north. It was a risk coming this far north, but her heart had tugged at her, and deep down, she knew she needed to do this. To find the place where a dear friend slept eternally. Was it peaceful? Where did one go when they died? When they were ripped apart by a heartless stranger for no reason other than they were there at the wrong time. Haunches rose as she stepped forward, listening. She used, not her ears, but her heart, listening to the world around her, until her eyes landed on a spot that marked itself as a slight, circular dip in the snow. There. She approached the place, haunches sinking to the snow again. Deep blue pools gazed at the place for the longest time, before she spoke softly.

?Would that you were here today, my dear friend and sister. Would that you could meet the children you helped me birth. They?d have loved you as and aunt. You didn?t deserve this, my friend. None of them did, either.? She raised a paw and laid it gently in the depression where a friend slept. ?I should never have let you leave without an escort, Asheni. I could have stopped this.? Her head bowed, she closed her eyes, ears folding back. A soft hum thrummed in her chords, before it became a softly sung song. Her voice was a haunting thing to hear when lifted in song. To a listener, it was almost as though, in this song, she wasn?t quite the only voice that sang. The wind, the rustle of trees. It was her chorus, and accompaniment.

The song ended and she lifted her head to look up at the sky, before deep blue gaze lowered to the depression. Softly, she whispered, ?Goodbye, my Friend. May we meet on the other side.? Rising, she turned, ready to head home.