
i choose to walk with you


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-21-2020, 03:25 PM
Rhyme now had two younger wolves under his training, Poem who was only just a woman, and Corvus. The latter was a little old to be considered an apprentice but Rhyme was eager to be an example for him to follow. Hopefully he would learn from Rhyme’s mistakes instead of repeating them. The same with his daughters, so often he found himself willing the girls to make better use of their lives than he did. Rhyme had to believe it wasn’t too late to turn things around, and hopefully tonight would prove that.

Samara appeared just as he expected her to, and though her expression wasn’t bright when she rounded the corner it turned when she lay her bright blue eyes on him. He grinned back at her and felt his heart swell when she offered no hesitation in closing the distance between them. ”Welcome home,” Rhyme offered warmly as he wrapped his arms around her thin shoulders and squeezed lightly. ”I hope you had a good day.” He started softly as he loosened his grip, but nuzzled her cheek softly before pulling back to find her gaze.

”I have a… surprise for you.” He told her before finding his feet. He’d give her a sweet kiss on the cheek before gesturing for her to come along with him. The treck wasn’t so far, and Rhyme escorted her to the beach. The sun was beginning to set, and even with the cold it was turning the sky vibrant colors. Waiting for the two of them was a pile of thick furs, some dried meat for dinner, and a bowl of fragrant flowers.

The wind was cold, but as the sun sank it was dying down, but Rhyme had every intention of snuggling up beside the tiny woman under the furs to keep them both warm. The Cavaliere man grinned down at the Klein beaty as he sought her reaction to his little love nest.