
Unchained Melody



1 Year
06-21-2020, 03:34 PM

is this really necessary...

Blue eyes refused to move from the ocean shore, pondering the exact reason on just how it got its colour. He was so focused enough that the approach of a stranger when unnoticed until the sound of his voice called out. It was a gentle, standard greeting, but was enough to make the child leap up to his paws, scrambling backwards on the grass just before the sands. Astra quickly became embarrassed at his show, trying to put on the best brave face that he could. He fixed up his ears and flatted his fur, raising his nose towards the sky. He wasn't afraid of no thing, no sir! Not even a stranger coming up to him! Gus' nostrils flared wide though at the older male's next question, in asking where his family was. He looked the stranger over once again, quite critically for one so young. It seemed like a pretty standard question, given that he was not yet a yearling and on his own, but he knew that the weight of those words could hold a whole other meaning. "They are around," he said slowly. He wasn't blind to the concern on his face, but he knew from his twins antics that emotions could easily be faked on the face. She was quite dramatic... Besides, it wasn't exactly a lie. They were around, scattered about. He had ran into one brother already, and his sister was probably somewhere plotting to cover him in mud again.

Astra's eyes narrowed slightly, moving from the other wolf back to the black shores, shuffling his weight across his paws. He wanted to ask about the sand, to see if the other knew anything, but he wasn't too sure about the intentions of the stranger. "Who are you?" He asked instead, in the blunt way that children went about things. He was not accustomed to meeting too many others, and wanted to get past the introduction part to see if this was a wolf that he could ask questions, as well as impart his own vast knowledge on. Astra shuffled again, tearing his eyes off the other for another second to look back towards the sands. He needed to know why it was black... but also why this male wanted to know where his family was.

Astralagus Adonis Adravendi