



Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-21-2020, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2020, 11:56 PM by Malalia.)
Malalia Fatalis

It wasn't hard to follow where Cairo was heading with his line of thought, and a frown tugged at her lips. Disrespect between packs was not something to be taken lightly. What in the hell was that boy thinking, then?

It was pretty ironic, actually. Azure had come to her with that half-assed apology, all in the name of defending his future throne. And yet here he was, throwing it away with both paws. The next time she was near him, she'd make sure to talk his ear off. A war, or even a rivalry, was something to be avoided. And the thought of Armada going against Valhalla left a particularly sour taste in her maw...

Thankfully, the surly little prince wasn't the only one the Spirit had met. "That is indeed," she confirmed, giving a little tail wag at the mention of her friend, now brother. "Those boys are complete opposites," she snorted. "I'm surprised they're brothers, sometimes, with how different they are. Mortis is an absolute angel," she grinned. Wings and all. "He's sweet, and he works hard," she offered freely. "We spar pretty often, and so far I've been kicking his butt, but he's getting better every single time. And, you know, he actually has a heart."

There was an implied exaggeration in her tone, eyes glinting with the joke, but it was only half that, really. She wasn't one for playing politics, although she wouldn't say outright that she hoped that Mortis would win the competition. Azure worked hard, too, but his morals were sorely lacking. Perhaps he would learn a different path one day, perhaps he wouldn't. Either way, when she thought of who her future leader would be, she knew she'd want it to be someone who was there from the beginning. "He was actually the first wolf I met in the pack, besides Sirius," she pondered out loud, eyes sliding to the door of the cottage, to the warmer time when the grasses were green and bubbly pup played with her outside of her den. "Made me feel at home."
