
Saying Goodbye



5 Years
Extra large
08-28-2013, 11:19 PM

He had come across a stranger in these parts before; Cross. The young man whose family used to rule Glaciem but was now the Snow Rogues. It had been a pretty civilized meeting, after the initial tension and all. He rather liked Cross and wondered at times if he was ever going to run into the large youth again. Today was another day, but he was back at the same spot. Why? He wasn't quite sure today. He didn't have the excuse of exploring to fall back on since he'd been to this place, the Snowfalls as Cross had called them, before. So why was he here? He didn't really know. Something told him to come here today. And as he padded quietly through the forestry, a haunting voice caught his attention. Taurig halted in his tracks, ears pricked with full attention, turning this way and that way, trying to locate the direction from which the voice came. It sounded like it came from a wolf, but then it didn't. How was that possible?

The song began to fade and the Knight wanted to know who the voice belonged to. Bounding forward, icy gaze searched frantically for a figure belonging to a wolf. There. Turning away was the silhouette of a pale wolf, a female by the scent. The young Knight came to a screeching halt, snow flying up around his paws. Was that you singing? He called out to the elder woman, hoping she would turn around and be able to explain just how she'd been able to do that.

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