
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-28-2013, 11:41 PM

Bounding pawsteps approached her, and she whirled on her hocks to come out of the spin, stance balanced and even before all emotion and posture was wiped from her form, body relaxing into loose relaxation deep blue pools chilled to ice as she stared at the one who approached. The stranger, a male, skidded to a halt, asking a question. She allowed a trace of amusement to thaw her eyes a fraction. ?Do you see anyone other than yourself and me?? It was a gentle bantering tone she gave him. Inside, she was still ready to fight if she must, but outside, she seemed as casual as if this were a friend she trusted completely. Older though she was, she was still fit. Even fitter lately due to the rigorous training Cormalin had been putting her through during her free time.

?What brings you to Old Glaciem lands?? An idle question as she assessed him blandly, taking in the grey, silver and lack that made up his oat, and the ice blue eyes that were set in a handsome young face. Young. His scent told her he was two, healthy, and a pack member. The scents he carried on his fur told her that the pack was mainly made up of females. Glaciem. Cormalin had told her the scent of Glaciem was mostly made up of many, many females, and maybe one to three males. ?You hail from Sparse Pines Glaciem.? It wasn?t a question, but an acknowledgement. Yet she didn?t attack him. Only sank slowly to her haunches, hind legs squarely underneath her, in case she needed to spring.