
Seven days in the sun



5 Years
Other species
06-22-2020, 09:47 PM

It was one thing to hear the cat, but it was quite another thing to see it. Blue eyes picked out the wheat colored shape across the expanse of land and, once again, the mare's heart began to hammer in her chest like a bird in a cage. Askan asked if it had been giving her trouble and the woman nodded. "For a few days now. It seems to find me whenever Canyon isn't around." Yes, she knew that she was easy prey but she had been determined to not allow the cat to limit her.

Again the cat wailed and Acacia's knees wobbled. "Askan..." she started, little white spots beginning to flare before her eyes. The world felt... long, as though her vision stopped and the landscape began to stretch. She fought to regain her composure, willing her heart to slow. "Askan, if I pass out... don't let it eat me." She was trusting him, this stranger of a predatory nature, to protect her.

Already Acacia had begun backing away from the watering hole, putting more distance between herself and the cat that wanted to make her a meal. The wobbling in her knees wouldn't let her go very fast, but she was trying. The more distance she put between them, the better she would feel. Maybe Canyon would find her. Maybe the cat wouldn't want to come into the mud and would leave her alone. She didn't quite know what to do, so she kept edging backwards, the mud sucking at her hooves.


-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
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