
Saying Goodbye



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 12:11 AM

It was a rhetorical question. Of course she'd been the one singing. She was the only one in the area and there was no hint of any other wolf having been here before her or having recently departed. But he felt like he had to ask the question anyway, just to hear the confirmation. Her voice had his nape bristling, keeping him on edge. It had been haunting and unlike any other sound he had ever heard in his life. He watched as his words reached her ears, causing the white woman to turn towards him, her eyes nearly the same icy shade as his, though a bit more blue than his. Do you see anyone other than yourself and me? Obviously not. The tone she used to ask the question made it seem like she was scolding a young pup who knew better. And perhaps in comparison to her, he was a pup. No ma'am, but I just wanted to make sure it was really coming from you and I wasn't imaging it.

He could the masked wariness beneath her seemingly calm demeanor. The subtle readiness of one who always expected to be attacked by a stranger. He could see it all beneath the woman's relaxed exterior. He was a warrior himself after all. What brings you to Old Glaciem lands? Old Glaciem lands. So she knew about Cross' family and how they used to inhabit this land? Clearly she was a lot more wise than she appeared. An unknown feeling ma'am, something I'm not to sure how to put into words. That was really the best way to put why he was here today again. How else could he word it where it didn't sound more ridiculous than it already did? You hail from Sparse Pines Glaciem. Clearly wise or at least familiar with all the packs of Alacritis. Speaking of packs, her scent was familiar. It was just like Seraphine's. Valhalla. This woman belonged to Sera's pack. The pack where his father had challenged for Liberty. Oh boy. Indeed I am ma'am. And you must be from Valhalla. His words were a statement, just like hers, confirming what they already knew.

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