
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-24-2020, 02:31 PM
OOC: fight post 1/3

Hmm, that made sense. Any predator with a brain knew that it was easier to hunt targets that were alone, but he was still a little surprised that the cat had been trailing her for so long. Was the cougar really that patient, or was it just a vindictive bastard who just wanted to play with his food? It yowled again, almost casually as it stepped out onto the mud, it's tail swishing all relaxed and calm like it was just out for a pleasant afternoon stroll. Cocky bastard. Askan turned then, his brows drawn together as Acacia stumbled back, her words slow and sluggish. He blinked in rapid succession.What? Was she serious?

"Oi oi oi!" His voice was sharp with alarm. "Just focusing on breathing, yeah? Deep breaths, in and out. Sit down if you have to." He demonstrate for her, breathing in and out in long, steady breaths.

And then he paused, eyeing the cat as it meandered closer and closer. It wasn't going to back off unless he forced it too, that much was obvious. And so what if he chased it off this once, what would stop it coming back another time, when she was alone? Askan tsked. He almost couldn't believe this, that he was considering putting his neck on the line for a horse, a creature that he could probably eat if he felt like it. But he didn't feel like it, not cause she could talk or cause she had long legs that could kick him into next week. He just didn't want to is all, he wasn't going to delve much deeper into that fact.

"I won't." Was all he said, a promise.

He moved forward then, wading through the shallow puddle as he stomped towards the cat, hackles rising and teeth bared. He barked, loud and gruff and he saw the cat's ears twitch at the sound, like it was surprised at his reaction. It moved parallel to him, tail swishing faster than before, agitated like it was weighing up it's options. Before it could even make up its mind Askan charged, a snarl ripping from his throat as he quickly narrowed the space between them. The cat stood there, dumbfounded and wide eyed, only for it to let out a cowardly shriek as it turned tail and ran. Like the pussy it was.

Not that Askan would let it off that easily.

He rushed on, pushing harder than he'd ever pushed before to catch up with the cat. He wasn't much of a runner, not a fast one anyway, but when his mind was set on a goal he'd give everything he had to get there. His sides heaved and his paws squelched as the mud sucked them in, but with each thudding step he inched closer and closer till the tip of its tail was just in front of his nose. Oh, now that was an idea. Risking it all, he lurched forward and chomped down hard on it's tail. His legs went stiff as he slammed on the breaks and yanked his neck back, the click of bone fracturing met his ears and he grinned in vicious satisfaction.
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