
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-24-2020, 05:04 PM
OOC: fight post 2/3

Askan barely had enough time to readjust his grip on the tail before the cat wheeled around, slashing at the air with claws draw. What the cat didn't anticipate however, was that the momentum of turning swung Askan just out of its reach, like they were dance partners twirling each other around in circles. It turned once more, hissing in frustration as Askan side stepped out of the way again. The taste of blood was thick upon his tongue and his ground his teeth, mangling the tail as much as he could manage.  Despite what it seemed Askan had no intentions of killing the cat. Sure, it was sort of tempting. That way he could be certain that it would never bother Acacia ever again, but on the other paw it seemed gratuitous, like he was being violent for the hell of it.

No, Askan was out to send a message and Lords above he intended for the cat to hear it loud and clear.

Realising that Askan wasn't going to let go the cat swapped tactics. With a thud the cougar dropped onto the ground on it's side and began kicking furiously at him with it's back legs. Askan darted back, gripping the tip of the tail and felt a whuff of wind against his nose. Any slower and he probably wouldn't have had a nose anymore, jeeze. At least now the cat knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of a predator who liked to play with its food. Served the bastard right. Askan's grin was vindictive as he chomped down again, so hard his back teeth ached a little. He shook his head violently, ripping and tearing, and spraying blood all around.

By then he figured he'd done enough damage, that he'd made his point, now he just had to figure out to disengage without the cat taking a chunk or two out of his own tail in retaliation.

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