



Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-24-2020, 11:23 PM
Malalia Fatalis

The yearling grinned up at him in answer, primed to listen to tales of lives lived long ago, and far away. Of Ciroc, and Alacritis, and how old Valhalla had found enemies in both. That was life for most packs, she supposed -- never without some conflict around the corner. If it wasn’t resources they competed for, it was something else. Had she the time, she would have asked what the darkly-aligned Tortugans had done, outside of playing the bad guys in Cairo’s rendition. But it was a story, after all, even if it was history. And like a child hearing a bedtime tale, she listened closely.

She’d snickered softly at the mention of Cairo the first, tail thumping with a look that said That’s you! And later, a soft, bittersweet smile came for Guinevere. A strong woman, she seemed to be. A warrior, a Queen. Malalia remembered what Cairo had told her beneath the willows, and so the fatal illness that he spoke of was not a surprise. She couldn’t help but furrow her brows at Guinevere’s request for secrecy. Why? Why wouldn’t she want her loved ones near her, even at her inevitable end?

Thereafter, a chase ensued. A search to find a cure, mysterious assassins, a race against the clock. The wind was howling fiercely, now, the flurries pelting against the cottage door; but the girl paid them no mind. If she hadn’t been paying attention before, she was certainly enraptured now, her eyes widening at Erani’s brush with death. The escape had been a close one, and the wounded healer would not be left unscathed for her prize.

But it wasn’t enough, she knew.

It was a strange juxtaposition: here she was, years in the future and knowing the tale’s end. And in that same moment, when Cairo spoke of her, Erani must have held some measure of hope, still. Not knowing what was coming. For Guinevere; for her, too.

The girl didn’t hold her breath, but she did shoot him a rather impatient look. He couldn’t hold her in suspense like that!

And incredibly, it was another volcano eruption that brought change to the pack, pushing them out of Alacritis, uprooted once more. Then he paused, and she had to let loose a bit of a snort at the question. A wide, fang-filled grin spread across her muzzle, and she shook her head, saying, “Of course not.” Was he serious? The brute had only to glance over to see how invested she was, Mal wasn’t just humoring him.

But wait -- “So did anything end up happening with the Tortugas? Did it take them a while to find Boreas after that?” And what of Erani and the first Cairo? Surely the tale it didn’t end there.
