
Saying Goodbye



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 12:58 AM by Taurig.)

Sometimes, it feels as though I am not the only one singing when those songs are sung. They are one of my Birth pack?s songs. Songs. He never had songs in his birth pack. Only war cries. Well, there were some songs, but none like the woman had just sung. The ones back home were meant to get the blood pumping, to put warriors into their fighting zone, get them concentrated and ready for battle. To praise warriors past and instill courage in the newer generations. It's quite enchanting. Certainly something I've never heard before in my life. He was no stranger to speaking with elders, but usually the elders he'd spoke too were warriors and what they had to say to him usually pertained to war tactics or how to become a better warrior. This elder spoke philosophy, something the Knight wasn't accustomed to. Sixth sense? Life journey? Ink tinted crown was cocked questioningly towards the ivory woman, watching as she raised her head to the sky before allowing to fall back, disclosing her reasons for having come to the old Glaciem. A deceased loved on. Taurig became solemn, his features becoming serious as he dipped his head in condolence to the elder woman. My condolences for your loss ma'am. It was the least he could offer.

She confirmed his statement, introducing herself as Erani, the lead Healer of Valhalla. A second dip of the head was given, this one a bow of greeting. Pleasure to meet your Erani. I am Taurig, the son of the King of the current Glaciem. And then came the bad stuff. The challenge. Of course she would bring it up, it was probably the only thing circling around all Valhallan's heads these days. Your King is causing Valhalla a great deal of trouble. The lass he wants, has just lost her mother, and now risks losing the rest of her family. Valhalla is a family, as well as a strong group of warriors. How can anyone justify tearing a girl away from her family? He figured she would've brought it up, but he didn't think she would bring it up so soon. If I may, I do not condone in the slightest what my father is doing. Not in the least. Now I don't know what exactly the situation behind my father's challenging for the girl is, but I can say that if she was the one to provoke the situation, then certainly she wasn't aware what kind of wolf she was dealing with exactly. Regardless of whether she provoked this whole thing or not, my father really doesn't have a right to challenge for her, more so now that you tell me about her family. Were I able to change my father's opinion and get him to leave this be, I would, but unfortunately my father isn't one to be swayed once he sets his sights on something.

I have met another pack member of yours, a girl by the name of Seraphine Are you familiar with her? She's an amazing young woman and from what I've seen from her, your pack seems like a good pack. Were I king instead of my father, I would not want to bring war between us, but an alliance instead. Alas, my loyalties lie with my father, but I do pray that this challenge does not lead to war. I would hate to have to meet again in the battlefield as enemies miss Erani. He took a deep breath, not realizing that he'd been talking so much, powerful haunches folding beneath the young man as he sat, trying to regain his breath as he watched Erani, wondering what she would think about his words.

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