
Great days



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-25-2020, 05:40 PM

Askan's ears flicked back and tilted sideways. She'd met a Warlord? Surely there couldn't be more than one, what were the chances of that? He couldn't imagine Sirius wanting to share that title with anyone, that he was no doubt all pompous and territorial over a few letters smushed together. Shika then went on and confirmed Askan's suspicions and then said something really really stupid.  

Askan snorted so hard his throat burned.

"I think not." He was quick to rebuke. "He's a right prick."

Looking back his meeting with the Warlord hadn't amounted to much, they didn't even speak that long, but for how intense Askan's reaction was it no doubt seemed as though they were mortal enemies. That Sirius had committed a grave grave crime against the Selwyn, that they were mortal enemies bound together till the end of days. When in reality Askan had just taken a disliking to his attitude, that's all it really boiled down to. He was just being petty, clinging onto the offence as though it was his shield.

They continued on and Askan had to agree that the place looked quiet enough, or at least that was the case till he saw about 7 maybe 8 prancing figures in the distance. He squinted to get a better look and realised they'd stumbled upon a coyote party, a bunch of youngsters from the looks of it, playing and leaping as though they didn't have a care in the world. They dropped down into play bows, butts wiggling as their tongues lolled from the sides of their mouths. And then the ruckus began and Askan's ears twitched in annoyance. In typical rowdy youth fashion, they barked and yapped to one another, completely oblivious to the fact that they were being watched. Askan offered Shika a wry side glance, as if to say "are you seeing this?"

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