
Among Clashing Tides


08-29-2013, 01:13 AM

She expected the man not to be too happy with her decision, he did after all just ask her to stay away from the danger that could possibly fall upon her pack. Seraphine couldn't do that though, she wanted to see how the fight went, maybe get some tips on fighting from the challenge. And what about the children if a war did break out, she had to do something to help them, to make sure nothing terrible happened to them. Like her, they would be vulnerable. It made her a little upset to see him not pleased with her decision but that was okay, what mattered was she wanted to protect the younger pack mates.

It seemed he changed though when she mentioned him still being her friend if he harmed one of her pack mates in battle, like he was happy. She smiled at this, dipping her head when he asked if she wished him to be her friend for life. "As long as we walk this planet... even if we're from rivaling packs." She added with a light chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood around them. They seemed to be getting along fine until she brought up the war, so she wanted it to come back.

"So..." She uncrossed her paws, stretching her neck and a low groan. "Your turn for a question." She grinned, flashing that smile of hers, warm, friendly, asking to learn more. Would he even have any more her, or was he getting bored with her little game to learn about each other? It was better than laying there in silence till the sun went down which would probably be a few hours.


Awesome image by Trynx <3