
Can You Help Me With A Hare-y Situation?



3 Years
06-26-2020, 11:01 AM

Mæva gave her a neither-here-nor-there answer when it came to lining her den. We'll see? Mara filed that away for future consideration. Even if it was a polite refusal, it was a morsel she was more than happy to gnaw on. Amaranth watched with mild fascination as Lini struck up a flame and tended the young fire... Huh. She swiveled back to her sister when Mæva began to speak again, working as she did so. Mara did her best to imagine tough, chewy, smokey meat but all her mind could come up with was the kind of meat that had set out in the sun too long and the scent of the forest after a lightning fire. Neither sounded pleasant, but she kept that to herself, willing to put her trust in her sibling's carefully assured ministration as she continued to prepare her own carcass. "Well, I s'pose anything's worth trying at least once!"

Mara's quail was at last as clean as she felt like making it, and she began to tear off strips as well, surrounded by her pile of feathers. Mæva mused, "Beyond decorating I'm not really sure if they serve a purpose." Mara scoffed. "Don't forget choking! They're great for choking." But maybe that was food for thought too. What could feathers be used for? She hummed to herself as she tried to imagine what could be done. Not that she wanted to redeem the blasted things, perfectly content to go on hating them, but she was one to think with her stomach and anything that made finding food easier... An idea crept slowly into her mind, and she spent a moment forming it out before speaking again. "Hmm... Well. Okay, maybe this is dumb, but you know how fish jump up when things land on the water? Looking for bugs or whatever? Maybe we could trick 'em with feathers, lure them in or something." She preferred red meat to fish, sure, but she also preferred a full belly to starving and wasn't really known for being picky when it came to eating.

Eh, it was probably a dumb idea anyways. Mara scooped up her own strips of meat and carried them closer to where her sister was working, looking down quizzically at where Mæva had arranged her own on the rocks. So they just like... went anywhere? Or was there science to this witchcraft? Figuring she was hardly the expert here, she gently laid them in the grass beside her sibling, careful to keep them out of the dirt. Mæva could figure it out.


(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)