
Storm Lord


06-26-2020, 01:52 PM


Though snow fell in the rest of the land that was held tightly in the clutches of winter, in the far south, a thunderstorm raged. The sky was dark and tinged with swirling shades of purple and green. Great peals of thunder shook the land. Lightning illuminated the expanse of beach as it flashed, overpowering even the luminescent bacteria within the waves. Winds blew harshly, bringing glowing waves crashing upon the beach. That wasn't the only thing that they brought.

Emerging from the white caps was a massive form. A giant come to life. Streams of glowing sea water ran in rivers off of the gigantic obsidian form as the stallion moved from sea to land. The beast gave his big body a shake, silver mane and tail flying. The conqueror had come.

Goliath came from across the sea. He had lived upon an island of horses. There were very few predators and very little competition. He had become bored. Every day was exactly the same. For eight long years, every day was the same. The man felt as though he was losing his mind with the monotony of it all. One day he had simply made the decision to leave. Some while back he had spied smoke across the sea and had smelled the acrid stench of fire on the wind. He knew that there was land out there. He just had to reach it. Goliath left the herd that he had known his whole life and had led for years without a second thought.  It was time for change.

Now here he was. The swim had been long and arduous. He could only hope that it was worth the effort. A quiver ran through the stallion. Lifting first one feathered hoof then the next, he began to thunder down the rain soaked beach. Excitement thrummed through him and he stopped, his gargantuan form raising on two hind legs the size of tree trunks. Front hooves pawed the air and the stallion released a bellowing neigh into the air. He had come.


Having made his entrance into this new land, Goliath, exhausted from his lengthy swim, sought out a place to rest. He folded his big body beneath a swath of trees and soon slept dreamlessly. Not even the storm could wake him.

In the morning when the sound of singing birds woke him, the storm had ended. Debris littered the beach and the land was pretty well soaked, but it didn't put a damper on the equine's spirits. Hefting his big frame upward, Goliath moved off. He needed fresh water and grass. Still feeling the ache of his journey within him, he vowed to take it easy today to allow himself to repair.