
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-29-2013, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 01:37 AM by Erani.)

Erani listened quietly, smiling faintly at his compliment of her song. ?There is always another lesson to learn, and another experience to live.? She truly did smile at the pup-like tilt of the young male?s head at her words of Sixth Senses and Journeys. She supplied for him. ?In a battle, have you ever felt the hackles at the back of your neck, tingle and spun, in time to deflect an attack from another opponent? That is your sixth sense.? She searched for words. ?My birth pack, especially the Alphas and my parents, the Lead Healers, had a way of listening to the land, with more than their ears, and seeing with more than their eyes.? That would probably confuse him more, she supposed.

His condolences were received with a gentle bow of her head. ?You?ve a good heart, if you can sorrow for the loss of a stranger.? Her introduction was met with one of his own, and she gave her head a light nod. Even if his Father was a pompous ass, this fellow had a good heart, and she could feel the honor he held. And as she spoke her piece on he Challenge, she thought she could see the barest wince in his eyes. His reply was long, and she listened to him intently, drinking every word. His meeting another member was news, to her. Seraphine. If the girl weren?t burned, she would look exactly like Gabriel. ?I know of her. From afar. She?s an intelligent girl. My niece Claire adores her. And I have a feeling Sera?s father might just take in with Claire. As for our pack, Valhalla is based strongly off of family, honor, loyalty and love. Children are cherished above all else, and we will fight to the last breath to protect them.

?We had an Alliance with Old Glaciem, when they resided here. A good pack, with much the same values as Valhalla. Their original Chief came from Valhalla as a matter of fact. Valhalla is a great deal like my Birth pack, Redwood, was.?
Deep blue pools dropped to the snow between them. ?When I was a yearling, my entire pack was murdered by our enemy, the Blackmoons. I thought I had lost all my family, until a little over a year ago. My brother had survived the assault, due to our Ally?s arrival the evening of the attack. He is now our Beta. Cormalin. You might see him at the Challenge. Large, black, with a four point star on his brow and mismatched blue and gold eyes.?

She studied him intently. Then asked him gently. ?How much more of your father?s actions will you be able to take, young Taurig? If he endangers your pack, does Loyalty mean anything? There are two kinds of Loyalty. One is true, and you never have to wonder if your soul will weep at the orders you must carry out. Another is a trap, A vine wrapped about your legs. What kind of Loyalty to you have??