
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



11 Years
Athena I
08-29-2013, 06:05 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 06:06 AM by Alena.)

Keeping true to her word, the Amenti Captain had set out several days ago to head toward the halfway point between the Amenti and Seracia territories so Bane could be there for the birth of their pups. She knew she was close to her due date, but since she had no true way of knowing exactly when they would make their appearance. The trip had been slow moving at best, sometimes only making it a half mile before she needed to rest. She did that for several days, moving a mile or half a mile at a time and resting, not wanting to strain herself too much so close to time for her to give birth. She knew nothing of the process or what to expect. The ivory fea had never seen herself as a mother or even particularly wanted pups so she had never bothered to learn anything of it or even much about healing in general. She hoped maybe Bane knew something of it for her and her pup's sakes.

She had been following the huge river that was the Rio Grande down toward the south, trying to avoid the desert that was to the west and making sure she had a steady supply of water and food at the same time. It had worked out well and Alena had been making her way toward the south at a slow, but steady, pace.

Suddenly her muscles tightened and a sudden discomfort and pain washed over her, bringing the fea to a halt and pulling a surprised gasp past her lips. She blinked, holding still for several moments and the same pain came again, making her wince. Were these contractions? She looked around her surroundings franticly, her instincts telling her to find a den. She had hoped to reach the halfway point and still have a day or two to find a suitable den, find Bane, and settle down, but it seemed that her children had different ideas.

Off in the tree line she spied a dip in the ground and she thanked her lucky stars. She padded over to it and poked in her head. The hole in the ground looked plenty big enough for herself and her pups and even another wolf or two to squeeze into. It looked like perhaps another fea some time long ago had given birth here, but she didn't dwell on it. She had to stop once again as another contraction took over her, this one stronger than the last. Her pups were making their way and they weren't wasting any time.

She slipped through the den opening, circling anxiously around the dirt floor, trying to decide how she wanted to lay and how to get comfortable. For several minutes she paced the den, trying to ignore the contractions as best as she could, the minutes passing by one by one. Finally a wave of pain finally over took her and she had to stop her movements once again, her violet eyes squeezing shut with a whine.

Bane's name flickered through her mind and she realized he wasn't here. Was she far enough south for him to find her? Her ears flicked back and she realized with a jolt that she was afraid. In her whole life she couldn't remember a time when she had been truly afraid, but this was one time that she was. Alena had known leaving Amenti for her birth was a bad idea! Now she was alone, experiencing something she knew nothing about, something had never expected to go through. She poked her head outside the den to give a long howl, hoping by some slip of luck that Bane or some other form of help would hear her. She waddled back into the den, carefully laying down in the back corner of it just before another contraction took her over.

ooc: I'm gonna have a pretty loose birthing order, first come first serve kind of deal. I'm fine with a pup or two arriving before Bane gets there, but if you see one or two posts and no Bane, hold off till Ral gets to it, okay? And pleeease post with your pup asap so I know that they are all really born and you still want them and all that good stuffs. Thanks! P.S. There will be tables for all the pups in my art thread shortly ;D
