
do you wanna build a snowman?

winter 14 seasonal healing prompt



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
07-01-2020, 12:44 AM

Samara shook some of the snow from her limbs, or rather tried to at least but it had become wet and sticky and she was probably going to be pulling clumps of ice from her fur tonight, unless she wanted to chill Rhyme as well... and the last thing he needed right now was to risk becoming sick. The woman settled herself on a clear patch of earth and gave the young alpha her full attention. Even from the little bit they'd interacted Samara couldn't help but feel a bit fond of the young woman, she saw the best qualities of her father in the girl and though she hadn't known Shaye very well she could see that Theory had learned from her as well, though the girl also wore her inexperience somewhat openly, in her earlier years Samara might have pegged that as a weakness and done everything in her power to undermine the young woman... but now, well now she cared more about helping her than hindering her... she truly was becoming someone unrecognizable, even to herself.

Samara listened as the young woman explained about her patient, the tiny woman's eyebrows lifting as she heard about the lemur. She had seen the white man and his burgundy companion but she'd had little contact with other such animals, let alone the one she shared her pack with. Still, she couldn't help but feel somewhat amused as Theory explained how hard it was to get her patient to swallow their medicine. "What are you giving them?" She asked, though it ultimately wouldn't likely change her answer Samara was also curious how much the girl knew about medicinal herbs. There were very few options that tasted good anyways so the answer was mostly for her and not for anyone else.

Samara shuffled slightly, she looked up at the young woman, her eyes so much like her father's, even missing the lavender, if she ever had his would they have his eyes..? Samara shook those thoughts from her mind. She offered the young woman a smile. "There are a few things you can do for picky patients, pups and lemures alike. Right now we have access to one of the easiest ways." The woman rose to her paws and walked over to where some of the snow had began to pile. She worked her paws and muzzle into the snow, building a little bundle. Then she rolled it over to Theory. "Snow can be used to help make herbs more palatable. You can mix them in with berries or other sweet ingredients to help flavour the herbs, if you can make the bundles small enough you can ensure they take the whole dose without eating around the herbs."

WC: 1570/1500


[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.