



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-29-2020, 10:41 AM

Teeth bit into the flesh of her shoulder and the scarred woman snarled. Another dog had joined the fight. Fighting like a true, bloodthirsty pack, the dogs wouldn't take their matches one-on-one. Releasing the face of the biggest dog, Resin bit into the neck of the smaller, just behind its skull. Using her body as a counterweight, Resin dug in with her claws. Thick cords of muscle flexed in her neck as she thrashed her head from one side to the next. The small dog was pulled off of its paws and was literally thrown through the air where it crashed hard against one of its packmates. Completely startled by the action, both mutts yelped and ran off in terror. Two down.

Her shoulder was bleeding, but it wasn't much of a worry. Not unless the dogs were rabid, which none of them seemed to be. The big dog had been waiting for her, its face dripping blood. The giantess was more than happy to engage with it once more. Perhaps with their leader taken out, the dogs would retreat and they could end this insanity. Really though, how stupid did you have to be to attack an entire pack of wolves?

Leaping forward, Resin slammed hard into the leader of the pack with her chest, sending the big, shaggy beast stumbling and falling. Eating up the space between them, the grey woman dove forward, teeth finding purchase on the dogs throat. As it flailed beneath her, kicking out with its legs, she gradually worked her bite upward so that she could clamp down right beneath its jaw. The dog knew the position that it was in and began to whine loudly, tail tucked. She just... couldn't kill it.

Releasing the beaten canine, it began to run away as fast as it could, tail between its legs. Resin gave chase, biting it on the rump one more time for good measure. Another yelp and the dog was out of sight.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]