
And the lord said have mercy upon his soul



06-30-2020, 12:52 AM

The zealot was at his happiest in these moments, though one might not have guessed it for the stoic expression he wore. It was in his eyes one could see the difference. Softer with Noemi than with others he encountered.  A secret joy was hidden there. His salvation was here in this time, as the soft and sweet Noemi clung to him as if he was her very god. His left forelimb came to wrap around the dame, as he leaned back on his haunches, causing him to fall to his side almost on his back, hoping to make her follow.

His steel blue gaze fell on the star lit sky above them. They were in the privacy of their own, with only the god's eyes upon them. They were in the safety of Diaboli's gaze right now, and he prayed they could remain that way forever. Though the priest knew he would not forever be alone with Noemi, eventually another would happen upon this place or he would happen upon another. But for now he lowered his guard with this woman by his side. Her nuzzle was received and reciprocated with one of his own.  Her words were deep with many meanings.

She would not be left behind by him, no she sought the strength he had to follow his god without question. She sought to be his in this life and in the next. Though both knew that the heart could hold this love as well as love for others, but she was his, in the most precious of ways. He was not exactly good at romance either though. Courtship was a different thing in these lands he was told by her once, but in his homeland females sought strong men to promise their wombs to, but never always stayed with the same male. Males likewise did not stick to one female either, they sometimes had more wives than they could count. He himself only had Noemi right now though, so therefore she was the sole female he would breed with right now, as well as she was the sole woman he cared for. Though both knew that could easily change.

"Your most welcome, Lady Noemi. Though make no mistake, I will not take pleasure from ending one of my own progeny if it comes down to it. It will be a necessity at such a point to end it's suffering before it even begins." Her thanks was an unnecessary one but a much appreciated one. It was his duty to follow the laws given to them by Diaboli. His gaze fell from the stars then to her blue gaze as blue locked with steel blue.

"I pray you will find the strength to join me beside our lord in his hunting grounds and to please him as i do. I hope your path never falters and that you find everything you search for in who you are becoming." He gave a pause. His lips curled into a rare and soft smile as he looked into her eyes. "And I hope i am everything you will ever need, that our progeny is the strongest yet and pleases our lord and makes you the proudest mother there ever was." Sappy as it was he hoped she never needed another and that her need for family would be fulfilled by him. He placed a quick kiss upon her nose if she allowed for it.

action"Sermons of the Faithful"

Idun Fenriz