
With Pride



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
06-30-2020, 02:06 AM

Tamsyn watched the wolves in the crowd start to disperse and for a moment she was stuck in place, feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. She wasn't sure what to do next. Should she start planning some sort of meeting or training? What all was she exactly expected to do? She had never had any kind of responsibility before and as much as she liked to think that she had worked very hard to prepare for this there was still a nagging, self-doubting voice in the back of her mind that made her wonder if this had all been done in mistake or as part of an elaborate prank.

Her train of thought was disrupted though when Mortis ran up to her to place a kiss on her cheek, making her blink with surprise and grin as the young man ran off again without a word. It made her expression soften as she watched him go and a happy warmth swelled in her chest. Then the sound of her Warlord chuckling pulled her attention seconds before she felt him nudge her shoulder. His comment made her smile, but her ears still pulled back bashfully all the same. It was hard for her to believe that he was right even though she had put in the work the same as anyone else. "I guess I just never actually expected to get a position at the end of it all," she admitted, lifting her gaze up to meet his. "I had mostly just wanted an excuse to push myself to train and learn even harder than I already had been. I'm... I'm honored and proud, just surprised and still processing."

Tam chuckled softly and looked down at the bracers that had been given to her. She was still getting used to the feeling of them wrapped around her forelegs, but she was quickly beginning to like the feeling of them. They made her feel far more empowered and strong than she had expected. "What can I do to be successful as your General?" she asked when she looked up at him again, doing her best to shake off the surprise and shock so she could focus that energy on diving into her new role. It would take a while before she would fully be able to accept that she had proven herself enough to the rest of the pack to actually hold this position, but she was eager to know what was expected of her. She knew he had listed a bit of it during the ceremony, but it had all felt like a blur and had gotten a bit lost in the pomp and circumstance. "What exactly do you want me to be responsible for?"