
Ice Battle




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-30-2020, 05:43 PM
As Eraithus prepared himself, Asla did too. She planted her feet, tucked her ears, leveled her head with her spine and waited. She didn't growl as her opponent did. She only grinned. This was terribly exciting to her. She was going to spar with an adult! He had promised not to take it easy on her, and for that, she was even more excited. The girl would have to use all of her skills and know-how in order to do her best in this fight.

Her opponent dove for her, his shoulder coming for her face. His mouth was wide with the intent to bite. Well, Asla had intentions too. She intended to dive forward to meet Eraithus with an attack of her own. Hind paws planted, Asla began to run... in place. The ice below didn't give good traction at all. She fought to sink her claws into the ground, but only one set of hind claws managed. This threw her trajectory off by a lot. Three out of four paws slid out from beneath her. The last with its claws sunk into the ice, managed to push the girl out and away. She hit the ground hard and began spinning like a top, round and round in a circle. The fall had been so sudden that she'd had no time to prepare for the impact, and thus, she bit her tongue.

A little yelp was given when the bite happened, but it wasn't something that she could worry about. Spinning had made the girl feel a little nauseous. By the time she stopped spinning, the world seemed to wobble in her vision. She vomited. Yep... Right into a puff of snow that rested on the treacherous ice. So much for her breakfast.

Looking weakly back towards Eraithus, Asla frowned. "You win." He had at least kept his footing. Maybe she would start out on something a little less difficult than ice, though she was determined some day to have a successful ice fight. "Thanks for trying, Eraithus." Shakily, Asla got to her paws. She spit a bit of blood onto the ice and gingerly made her way back to the solid, snow covered land.

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