
the rest of our lives


08-29-2013, 12:46 PM

like no king was before

He stood protectively, all guards up - and yet giving the appearance of being relaxed. He would be ready to spring should anything threaten his children, yet he hoped that that would not occur. Amalia came first, her white and russet figure emerging from the den at an unsurprising speed. He had expected her to be the first out of the chute. She was clearly uncertain about the grass, and so Maverick bowed his front half down to bring his head to her level. "This is grass, Ama. It won't hurt you, but it does feel a bit funny, doesn't it?" He glanced to Quintus, who was now exploring the grass as well. He grinned as Amalia faltered in pronouncing Seracia, but he didn't correct her. She would learn in time. Loccian then came, resulting in Cassius' quick disappearance into his mother's shadow. He rose up to his full height and addressed the woman with a nod and a greeting. "Good morning, Loccian. I believe you remember Amalia, Quintus, and Cassius." She'd seen them only momentarily upon their birth, but they all looked much different now. Their colors had settled in and darkened, and their eyes were fully open now - not to mention the difference in weight and puppy fat that had developed over their first month of life. He glanced at them all proudly, before adjusting his vision to carefully survey the land around them - ensuring that nothing was amiss or dangerous. A pup had been killed - Loccian's own adopted child, in fact - and he would take every precaution he could for his children. When he found nothing amiss, the King relaxed ever so slightly and turned his attention back to the progeny. "Come on out, Cassius, Loccian is a good friend." There was perhaps no wolf he trusted more besides those within his own family. "You three can explore if you like, but don't go anywhere where we can't see you, understand?" There was a firmness in his tone that was unmistakeable, and he hoped that they would listen carefully and do as he asked. He was giving them a bit of freedom as was required of a new father, but that didn't mean he was fond of it. He ushered himself up to Epiphron's side, nuzzling her cheek affectionately.

{Table coded by Lu}