
oh baby, that was quite a punch; could somebody check my pulse?



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-01-2020, 03:40 PM

The shrill, panicked sound of Indigo's howl brought Resin's head up immediately. She had been running border patrol and so she wasn't too far away from Ashen lands. The big woman released her own howl into pack lands, calling for further aid. She didn't know what the problem was yet, but she knew that she'd never heard such urgency in the purple boy's voice.

Resin ran as fast as her thick legs would carry her. Thankfully there was no snow here and so the terrain was easily eaten up beneath her gait. Her approach wasn't quiet. Today she'd worn her steel claws, the leather bracers providing stability for her previously broken leg. It was a good thing, too. Coming upon the scene, panic struck the woman in the stomach. There was a lot of blood. A lot of blood.

With her single golden eye landing on Indigo, she was relieved to see that none of it was his. It all belonged to Magnus. Resin's brow furrowed. His rib cage was rising and falling, but faintly. The man's head was covered in blood so she couldn't completely tell what was injured, but there wasn't much time for that. She could see the tail end of the bear as it headed deeper into Ashen territory. Resin knew that the Empress had young children. The Ashen wolves weren't as well equipped with warriors as the Armada. She needed to do something.

Casting her gaze towards Indigo, the giantess gave instruction. "Keep pressure on the wounds. More help will come soon." With one last lingering glance towards the broken body of Magnus, Resin rushed off in the direction of the bear. She would alter its course. Send it far away from Ashen and the Armada if she could. Pity she couldn't kill a bear on her own, for that was surely what it deserved.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]