
el tigre



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
07-02-2020, 12:28 AM

"Much larger." He smiled at Mortis, picturing the leopard and mentally comparing it to the last tiger he'd seen. The hunt for the cat wouldn't be as easy as fishing, but would be far more rewarding and the kid would likely learn more from it. Cats this large weren't too common, especially near the pack lands. Pushed out by the scent of hoards of canines, this was likely as close as they were willing to get, especially if they were old and injured.

"Of course. It will be quite heavy, though." He mentioned, but he was sure the child could manage carrying it while he took what he could carry in meat. The rest would be left for the other predators in the area, hopefully keeping them distracted while they took what they had back home. "Tigers fight differently than wolves. They tend to go for the throats, back, or kick with their powerful claws near the stomach." He warned, wanting to make sure Mortis knew what to expect as they followed the trail of prints down the riverbank.

Magnus fell into silence as the scent grew stronger and before them was an aging white tiger reaching into the river to catch a fish. The breeze was pushing their scent away from the predator thankfully, so Magnus crouched and motioned for Mortis to do the same. With the aid of a large rock, Magnus spied on the cat for a moment. "I'm going to sneak behind it and distract it. While it's focused on me, come at it from the side if you can." He waited a moment before sneaking off to distract the tiger. Once behind the beast somehow without catching its attention before, he reached and bit the tail of the tiger and pulled hard to spin the animal around. While it pivoted on what seemed to be it's bad leg, Magnus ducked to avoid the swipe of it's massive paw and lunged up to bite it's throat, hopefully giving Mortis enough time to come from the side and get a surprise attack in.



Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
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