
el tigre



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
07-02-2020, 12:39 AM
A huge coat? He tried to image Asla buried under tiger fur and chuckled softly. Of course, not having a reference for a tiger, he pictured the orange as bright as flowers. He brought his mind back into focus as Magnus continued on, instructing him on him what to expect. The fighting style of the tiger would be different to what he was accustomed to, and his friend didnt wany his caught unawares.

When they found the tiger, orange it was not. He ogled the majestic white and black creature. Its face and paws were enormous. It immediately solidified how badly he wanted to being home the coat to his sister. She was going to love this.

Taking his cues from Magnus, he crouched, jumping behind the boulder and pairing out from the aide opposite to the older wolf. He watched as Mags sneaked forward, and the tiger touched a paw to the water, perhaps in preparation to snag a fish. The giant paw brought a wrinkle to the reflection, and it was clearly lost in concentration. Perhaps it was a hunter that did not expect to find itself as prey.

When Mags grabbed its tail, the boy shot forward. Missed in the excitement of its spin and attack, it didnt seem coming. He leaped at from the side, spreading his wings out wide as he lunged for its side. His cat-like claws struck and dug in deep. He wasnt as big as the tiger, but he was too big for pony-rides on its back. With the winged boy dug deep in its side it bellowed, movements restricted.