
Looking like a high I wanna be on


08-29-2013, 01:28 PM

Water. The sound of rushing water had brought her here. Rivers had guided her all the way to the ocean. It was a sight she had never seen before. Waves crashed on the sandy beach, the air heavy with salt. The sable babe stood memorized for a moment. It was quite a sight. Long stilts propelled her forward, paws sinking into the sand under her weight. Her dark lithe shape stood out against the pale back drop, even in the dark of night. Seraphim was doing whatever he does, so she had been left alone. She didn't mind, it gave her time to explore.

Her bodice had filled out, gaining her weight back, pelt returning to it's black. She finally looked like a six month old again. Muscle slowly replaced puppy fat as she learned to hunt and fight, honing in her skills. She enjoyed the company of the pallid brute, he had repaired some of the wounds she carried after being abandoned. The young girl stopped just short of the water, paws resting on the firmer wet sand. Two toned pools watched the water creep closer until it washed over her paws, eliciting a shocked gasp from inky lips. It was cold! Colder than she expected. Backing away, she took a careful seat on the beach, letting the breeze play with her pelt, tease her skin.

Since staying with Seraphim, she had only had one run in with his children, when Morphine called. It was relief to be able to avoid them so easily. But now that the Queen had fallen from power, she wondered if they would be joining their father and her in the rock garden. Secretly, she hoped not. But she would survive, she was far to stubborn to let them win. It did make her curious to know how Ares and Artemis were doing now that they were no longer heirs to the throne. A smirk tugged at her mouth. She could only imagine. And their mother... Oh what a mess things must be.

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