
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 02:58 PM

Thoughts about the challenge were quickly cast aside. He didn't want to be serious around such a wonderful young woman. They were going to be stuck here for what seemed to be several more hours and they couldn't be spending the entire time just talking about the challenge. Seraphne had started the little game about getting to know each other and it was working so far. As long as we walk this planet... even if we're from rivaling packs. His own grin spread until it spanned the entire length of his jaws, his tail wagging gently behind him. Promise? He chuckled, knowing fully well that she would promise as well, but wanting to have the vocal confirmation anyways. His first friend. Only fate would bring him a friend from a rival pack. He hoped the two packs wouldn't be remain rivals for long and maybe some time down the road be able to form an alliance. But if his father kept going around challenging other packs for females, Taurig feared they would soon become the most hated pack in all of Alacritia.

So...Your turn for a question. He titled his head this way and tilted his head that way, feigning a very complex though process when in reality he had already figured his question out. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but...Is there anyone that has caught your eye? Warriors didn't talk about feelings with others. Well they did, but it was usually with fellow warriors and when they did talk about women, it was that once their duties as warriors were fulfilled, that maybe they would consider settling down and starting a family, raising the next generation of warriors. But Taurig wasn't considering settling down. Not now and probably not ever. He was much to dedicated to his life as a warrior to consider settling down.

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