
Days Gone Bye




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-03-2020, 02:16 AM

Paws pick their way through the tall grass, happy that they are bringing her closer to her family. It has been long, too long, since she has been back. Meadow cannot help the excitement that bubbles up into her chest and spills out into her steps. They almost dance as she moves, carrying her ever closer to them.

Resin and Iolaire. Oh, how she has missed them! While she was away, every morning she had woken up and thought of them. There was no worry for them, she knew they could take care of themselves and, if they could not, Sirius and Zee could.

A smile crosses her maw as she thinks of her Alpha’s. They had always shown her such kindness and Meadow is forever grateful to them. That is one of the reasons she had wanted to go catalog all the bugs and small creatures she could find for them. Meadow always wants to be useful and that had seemed like a good use of her skills. Add to the mix a sudden yearning to explore and that is why she had found herself before Sirius.

It had been a chilly winter morning when she had approached Sirius and posed the idea of her leaving to catalog. It had been a hard conversation for the small female because, while she wanted to go, there was a part of her that did not want to depart. Only afterward, when she was far away, did Meadow come to fully appreciate that morning talk.

After he gave his permission, Meadow packed her bag and bid farewell to her sister. Something stopped her from telling Io. Instead she asked Resin to pass along a message for her. It was mushy and sappy, full of tears and even a couple corny sayings; but it was everything that she had such a hard time telling Io face to face.

After giving Resin the use of the ox pelt that Sirius had been so kind to gift her and making sure that everything was taken care of, Meadow had left. It had been difficult, the first few months but she reminded herself often that she was doing something to benefit the pack.

Heart thunders in her ears as the small wolf approaches the edge of the Armada territory. Nose picks up the scent marks and Meadow comes to a stop. Suddenly, her throat is very dry and she almost doesn’t know what to do.

Swallowing thickly, she tilts her head back and calls for Sirius. ‘Please be happy to see me’ is the mantra that she keeps playing in her mind.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm