
Among Clashing Tides


08-29-2013, 04:02 PM

When he asked if she promised, about being his friend for awhile, the girl would nod her head, saying a soft, ?Promise.? It was nice knowing that slowly she was gaining new friends, and hoped that they would be around for awhile, to grow old and by that time they would all be very close. Seraphine didn't want to leave being alone.

She watched in silence as Taur tilted his head this way and that, thinking of something to ask her. She wondered what it would be next, but what he asked was a complete surprise. Ears were facing him, eyes watching him. It didn't seem like his question reached her, just laying there with a blank look on her face. After a few seconds though it finally sunk in, blinking her eyes, brows coming together in confusion but eyes wide in surprise. "Caught my eye..." She said softly, to herself.

Did anyone catch her eye... Seraphine looked back on her short life, thinking of the few wolves who had entered her life. Seraphim, he was older by a few years but he was only a friend, kind of like another father before she had found Demo. There was Rune, but he was only a little older and seemed kind of cold, distant. The only other boy she could remember was Sephiroth but she just met him, and was only helping him look for his friends, wanted to be his friend and help him. "No, not really." She finally answered, crossing her paw over the other again, lifting her head, gazing over at Taur shyly. "I did not meet many people, only a few boys and girls but I only think they are friends. And I just met you, so I can't really say." She added with a smirk.

It was a personal thing to ask but the girl didn't mind answering since she didn't know many people, but because of his question she was a bit curious now if somebody had caught his eye. "What about you?" She raised a brow, smirk still there. "Any girls catch your eye? I'm sure you catch many, your good looking and your very nice."


Awesome image by Trynx <3