
One request of the nest



08-29-2013, 04:28 PM
There were quite a few teenagers in Valhalla, ones that their parents were starting to depend on to take their places. Chrysanthe only hoped that all of them were capable and willing to learn - and that they wanted what their parents wanted to give them. Ranks were traditionally not handed down through families, but she trusted the judgement of those in charge to properly train their successors. The alpha would speak with them separately once she had the chance, but for now it was interesting - Valhalla seemed to be fully embracing its youth.

Hearing Thane summon for her she howled back, quickly making her way toward the brute. She trusted her delta, he was a good adviser and peace maker and she definitely didn't regret giving him the job. It didn't tell her how he was doing though - Ookami had been scarce if she wasn't missing all together, and his children were growing, and quickly. "Thane - good evening." She spoke once he was within eye shot, offering the brute a small smile. It was time they had a good chat - she didn't see enough of the dark male. "Is everything alright?" She would ask, her gaze flicking over him to make sure that he wasn't hurt - when things seemed to check out, she looked back to him, waiting for him to tell her what was on his mind.