
A step in the right direction



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
07-05-2020, 06:17 PM
Her words struck him as odd, and he tilted his head slightly to study her expression, but it seemed guileless. She was no child, though she was young, and presumably her family if she had had one would have had the shaping of her morals and her faith or lack thereof. But perhaps she had not had the privilege of a family's upbringing, and it was foolish of him to assume that every wolf born had been so privileged as he had been to have been raised under the tutelage of someone like his own father. Well, he would keep his eye on her, for there had been some oddities about this conversation that he didn't entirely care for, but there was nothing specific that he felt warranted turning away a potential member of their already-small pack. "Very well," he replied to her, inclining his head. "As long as you are aware of the pack's nature, and work towards it's betterment I see nothing to bar you from joining us, Loviat." He stepped aside, with a motion inviting her to join him within Aerie's boundaries.

He thought a moment - what would a wolf who was essentially a stranger need to know about them immediately? "We each train in one or more of several Paths. The wolves who follow the Path of Fang are the warriors. The Path of Antler are the specialist hunters, the Path of Leaf are those who heal." Those were the simple ones. "Beyond those basics, we have the wolves who follow the Path of Sun, whose minds are their greatest assets and serve as negotiators and record-keepers. The Path of Moon are wolves to whom faith is most important, and they study any of the various religions and spiritualities that this world knows. The Path of Earth are those who specialize in crafting and trading goods, and the Path of Shadow are for those whose ways are more secretive and sly."

He waited a moment to allow her to digest this information. "Do you have an idea of where you might wish to begin? Or would you prefer some time as a haggard, our Pathless rank, until you have had time to decide?"