
My favourite star




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-05-2020, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2020, 08:23 PM by Sirius.)
His daughter fell asleep to his song, sung softly beneath the ever-blue blanket of the night sky. He rocked her gently, too lost in his thoughts to sleep. His daughter was troubled, struggling to connect with the people in her life. He knew she had found a kindred soul in Azure, and he was saddened to learn the two of them were at ends. He was also surprised at how upset she was that he had given their family name to another. He had been so caught up trying to get to the root of her feelings, he realised he hadnt told her why he had done it.

He stayed awake that night, holding his little one, until the sun began to rise on the horizon. The golden light falling upon his tawny child, and setting to light the blue markings that adorned. She was so beautiful. Had she really come from him? Sometimes it was hard to imagine.

He rocked her gently awake, smiling as an eye flickered open. "Hello little one" he whispered, and kissed her nose. "Your papa been trying to put things into words. Never my strong suit, which is why I growl before I speak" he gave a self-depicating laugh, before shaking his head, offering a slight smile to his daughter. "So I'm going to try this again. And explain things to you in all the full details, like you were an adult, because in so many ways, you are almost one, and i know you chaff at being treated like a child." A soft breath. "I know that when you were as tiny as a bean, you and Indigo were closest, and got into everything together. When you got older, you found a kindred spirit in Azure. Certainly the two of you together were brave enough to stand up to me. For Mort it was Azure. Azure was a child, and his actions can be excused, but he broke morts trust and destroyed that friendship. Your brother fell into depression, and struggled to connect with anyone in this pack. You mother... your mother stopped him from taking his own life. That's how bad it got."

"Then Malalia appeared, and his life changed. He found a friend, and began to do everything together, as you did indigo, or Azure. Her gender is irrelevant. In fact, I wish she a boy, for then I feel it would not have hurt you so. But I claimed her as family, because she was Morts lifeline, and if she left, I feared he would fall apart again. Mort has in her what you have in Azure... speaking of Azure. You really sight to speak to him. I know the two of you love each other. What you need to do is pick up some love, and bash him over the gave with it. That would be my tactic, anyway." A breath, licking his lips and his dry throat. "Well. Would you like to go for a hunt, my little star? Perhaps we can find a present for Azure, or at least a very big rock..." he tweaked her nose, and gave her a moment to digest his words.