
So Help Me! So Help Me! And Scene!

Tyrian and Ásvor



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
07-06-2020, 05:59 PM
Knowing that soon she herself needed to trek to Winterfell with Torrent, Ásvor had declined joining Valdís in her journey north. Knowing that her girlfriend was beyond capable - truthfully, she didn't know a warrior more capable of taking care of herself than Valdís - she hardly worried for her in her absence, though she definitely longed for her return. Being on her own was something she was accustomed to, but over time she found herself valuing her alone time less and less, at least when it came to Valdís. Instead of being burdened by her, she felt as though she was more complete because of her, but when it came to adding another wolf into the fray... Ásvor wasn't quite sure she could loosen her selfishness enough to make it work. Her mind too had strayed to children more than once; building a family with Valdís would be a blessing, but the logistics behind it were more tricky.

Such things weren't on her mind today though. She'd been scouting for springtime herbs. Now that the snow had begun to melt, things were beginning to bloom quickly. Some snow still blanketed the land, but Ásvor would gladly take advantage of the good weather as best as she could for now. Valdís's call was enough to arrest her attention entirely from the task at hand. Without hesitation she dropped a bundle of herbs she'd collected and bounded toward her girlfriend's call. It was hardly an urgent one, but it was an unusual greeting nonetheless, and when she finally reached Valdís she realized she was not at all alone. A small child stood at her side - no, he was pressed into her. Where normally she might feel a surge of confused possessiveness, instead she merely felt curious. She raised a brow as she closed the distance that lay between them, looking almost amused as she greeted Valdís with a warm nuzzle. "Don't tell me you kidnapped him," she half-joked, sure she would quickly explain herself.