
What can *you* offer *me*?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-06-2020, 08:48 PM

Tamsyn lifted a brow at the Heir when he responded with nothing short of cocky arrogance. She didn't appreciate his attitude, especially when he made quite the disrespectful comment about his mother's concerns and wishes. She wanted to chide him about his outlook on the whole situation and tell him to be more respectful to his mother, especially since Zee held such a high place in Tamsyn's mind, but she could already tell that kind of response was going to go in one ear and right out the other. That wasn't going to be the way to get through to him and she knew that. She could also already tell that it wasn't going to be the skills in fighting that Zee probably had concerns over - it was most likely going to be the boy's headstrong nature that was eventually going to land him in trouble.

"That's a bold demand coming from someone who just said his mother was full of shit," she replied, fixing him with a firm, unwavering gaze. "What I should do is go tell your parents how disrespectful you've been and how uninterested you are in your training. However... I'll make you a deal." She tried to remind herself that no mater how large he already was from the genes he had gotten from Sirius, he was still very young. There would be plenty of time still to temper his attitude. Perhaps it was a bit optimistic to think that she could help curb that snark and aggression into a constructive outlet, but she could try.

She walked over to one of the sandy arenas that were set up for the pack to practice their skills in and then turned to face him again. "If you beat me in a fair fight then I'll go to Zee and tell her that you were a wonderful student and I won't say anything about your comments. If I win then we're going to go to her together and you're going to tell her what you said. Deal?" She braced herself for their fight, thinking back to when she fought Sirius and everything she had taken away from that when fighting wolves significantly larger than herself. Part of her wanted to win just to have the opportunity to teach him a lesson that would hopefully stick with him, but if he did win then perhaps it would help prove to Zee that he was indeed skilled as a fighter. It wouldn't help his ego, but that would have to be something worked on with time.

Tamsyn vs Azure for Spar
Round 0/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bracers
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Navigator
Specialty: N/A

"Speech" Thought