
Say A Prayer



7 Years
Extra large
07-06-2020, 11:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2020, 06:50 PM by Torin.)


Torin had all but given up on finding Derecho and his missing son, he plodded along more on autopilot than anything else, his mind working slowly through the scents and mostly ignoring his surroundings, it was all just the usual scents: His children crisscrossing the border here and there, Eir's last patrol along these borders... small prey either darting into the lion's den or fleeing the occupied territory of the predators.

So it was the slate alpha would push himself on, the only joy he felt was the buoying of his heart when he noticed the activities of his children. And Torin likely would have completed his low effort patrol and gone back to lounge outside his den, trapped in the throes of his grief if he hadn't stopped for a moment, unsure why... his head tilting to the side as he slowly tried to kick his brain into gear. A scent, familiar but he wasn't sure why. His brain was painfully trying to shake off the shroud of grief. Absentmindedly he started to follow it, his paws carrying him over the border line. The scent grew stronger and he slowly started to unearth the place in his memory it came from and as he did so he picked up his pace.

By the time he spotted the woman he was practically sprinting, he skid to a stop, still behind her but he was certain she had been aware of his approach, he'd hardly been quiet. "Why?" He said, his voice lifted to project the pure cry of anguish that lifted from his lips. It was many questions. Why had he played him like that? Why had she sought to hurt him? Why had she come to his doorstep? Why now of all times, now that his wife and child were gone and his self-confidence was shot, as low as it had been after she had used him?

Art by Vhitany
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3