
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 07:06 PM

Promise. Came her soft response to his question. He winked at her playfully, glad that he had been able to snag such an amazing young woman as a friend. Would he make more friends? Or would Seraphine be his only friend for the rest of his life? Part of him hoped he would come to make more friends, especially friends that worked in the same profession as him. But if he came to make more friends and they were warriors, that was fine too, as long as they were respectable wolves and held some of the same morals as he did. But if he didn't end up making anymore friends, that would be fine too. With Seraphine as his life-long friend would be enough.

He'd known that this question would take her off guard, given that they'd only just met each other scarce an hour or so ago. And ontop of that, it was a pretty personal question. But Sera took it in stride, though she couldn't mask the shock in her eyes as they widened in surprise. No, not really. I did not meet many people, only a few boys and girls but I only think they are friends. And I just met you, so I can't really say. She glanced at him shyly while she spoke, a smirk tugging at her lips at her last words. But, she wasn't done yet. What about you? Any girls catch your eye? I'm sure you catch many, your good looking and your very nice. A laugh bubbled from his lips. Him? See a girl he liked? How cute. Me good looking? I would wish. My father is good looking, that's how he can get all the woman to join Glaciem, because he uses his looks to reel them in. I am just a plain looking wolf. But I don't care because I'm a warrior and I'm not looking for someone. But thanks, I think you're pretty nice too. He didn't want to sound like he was swearing any type of romantic relationship off, but he just wasn't looking for anyone to settle down with. Or ever really.

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