
Sweet Embrace of Lavender



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-07-2020, 09:24 PM

Actaea Praetor

She had returned from a trip of herb hunting and had spent part of her afternoon stocking away the herbs she had harvested. Some of the herbs went into the storage den right away, some were set aside to make salves, and there was even some she had Lorenzo hang in the branches above her den to dry. She was feeling very satisfied with her harvest and once everything was put in it's proper place she was relaxed. She moved not far from her den and laid down within the grass, gently placing one of the herbs she found between her paws. It was a herb that she remembered vividly from her puphood, something her mother always had a large stock in. A herb that was pretty, smelled wonderful, and even had a delightful calming effect on a creature.

Her molten gaze stared at the herb, a soft sigh would leave her lips as she thought of her mother. She had been the main reason she had gotten into the study of herbs and healing. It was something she always wanted to use to connect with her mother, but most of her mother's time had been busy. She closed her eyes as she suppressed the memories, gently breathing in the scent of the herb to calm her. So much had happened from then until now and she had found that suppressing these things helped her to stay away from the feelings of grief, anger, and anguish. Opening her eyes she looked to the herb again before gently smiling, then glancing back to her hanging herbs she mentally patted herself on the back for her recent work.

With spring here she hoped there would be opportunity to do so much, one thing that she majorly needed to accomplish was to try and form some sort of relationship with the other pack members. It was the only way the pack could work like a team, to know one another and to form bonds. Plus she would need to figure out the other healers within the pack as well. There was alot she needed to do.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them