
The Little Mornings


Missing from Armada

2 Years
07-08-2020, 04:54 AM

Lost as she was in her own thoughts, she barely detected the Spirit until just before the woman called out to her. And honestly? Aurielle was probably her best bet -- a woman, firstly, and one who'd been around the block a few times; a person she knew and liked, but... well. Try telling that to the embarrassment that welled beneath her fur. Her ears flickered up at the call, though she didn't answer right away.

If it was feasible to remove herself from the world, even temporarily, she might've done it. Hell, she had half a mind to fling herself into the river there and then. She didn't want anyone to see her like this.

Alas. That ship had sailed. 'Lucky, lucky me.'

She at least made a weak and utterly terrible attempt at normalcy, glancing again at Aurielle with a painful little half smile. "Hey, Aurielle. Hi, Ayodele. I'm fi..." She closed her eyes, the lie dying in her throat another cramp shuddered through her. Yep. Yep. She was officially an idiot. The woman had a nose, for gods' sakes, so it's not like she wouldn't see right through her. And why was she trying to hide it, anyway?

The woman had the grace to not address her problem directly. So, the least she could do was be honest about it, right? "I'm. Um. I'm pretty not fine, actually, but I'm guessing it's not hard to tell." With a sigh, she padded closer, taking a seat next to Aurielle, though her eyes never left the water for several long moments. Mala was usually pretty candid about... everything, actually. So why should this be any different?

She cleared her throat, though it didn't stop her from mumbling. "I'm... I started my heat." She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, a wrinkle forming on her brow. "Obviously. And it's just... everything feels so wrong, and weird, and-and I..." She faltered, then, at a loss for words. Where could she start when there were a million things going awry?
