
The Moons of Valhalla [Baine]



10 Years
Athena I
07-08-2020, 11:03 PM

Baine gratefully took Aurielle's offer for her to continue resting as she had been and settled back down onto her stomach while the Spirit did the same. Her ears perked with interest when she heard that there was good news to be shared and listened intently as Aurielle began to explain what she had come to share. She kept a pleasant, interested smile on her muzzle while she listened and as soon as Aurielle began to speak of love Baine could already begin piecing together what the news was.

Once it was confirmed, her smile widened into a full out grin, her tail wagging gently behind her. "That's wonderful!" she exclaimed, some of her ever present exhaustion forgotten for a moment as she was filled with joy at the idea that their family would be growing again. "Oh, I'm so happy for you, Aurielle! And for Red too. There's nothing like a litter of pups to bring just so much love and joy." She thought about how the band they had lived with before they had returned to Boreas had all come together into an even more tight knit group than they had been before just to make sure that she and Nolan were cared for when he was born and then again with Daelos and her daughters.

"I can't wait for you to feel what it's like to be a mother," she added, her expression growing thoughtful along with her smile. "It's the hardest thing I've ever been though, but also the most rewarding and my favorite part of myself. I'm so glad I'll be here to see them once they're born." Or at least she certainly hoped so. Every day felt a little more unsure, but she tried to keep herself in the best shape she possibly could be in this situation. She knew for certain that she wouldn't get to live to see her own grandchildren, but she was so happy that Regulus would. "What did Regulus say when you told him? Was he over the moon?"

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