
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



11 Years
Athena I
08-29-2013, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 07:57 PM by Alena.)

All Alena could pay attention to was the pain. She had known just from common sense that this whole process was going to hurt, but she had no idea it was going to hurt this badly. She panted quickly, her breath halting and teeth clenching with each new wave of pain. In one of the short lulls she lifted her head to glance down her body, gasping in air. She whined softly, her ears pinning back to her head as the muscles of her side rippled with a contraction pain washing over her yet again. She could feel the first pup making it's way into the world and knew it wouldn't be long before her first child would make its appearance.

She had been so caught up in the birthing that she hadn't the foggiest idea that Bane was nearby till she caught his voice. She jumped slightly, whipping her head toward the entrance. She sighed with relief when she realized who it was. At least Bane had found her so she wasn't completely alone now. "Not yet," she replied through gritted teeth, gasping as the strongest contraction yet. She hadn't failed to hear the slip up he had in her name, but she was much too preoccupied at the moment to care. "Won't be long," was the last thing she managed to say before she clenched her jaws again, a low whine echoing in her chest. With a solid push her first pup entered the world.

She twisted around to see the strange shape of the sack that enclosed her child.
Following her instincts and what little knowledge she held, she lapped away at it, freeing the little pup and running her wide tongue over it till her ears were graced with it's little cries. She was stunned silent, blinking at the sound. It was her child... Her first child. She kept licking at it till the pup was clean, seeing that it was a girl. A girl! She had a daughter. She marveled at the thought, still unsure about the whole situation, but coming to love it more and more. Another contraction broke her out of her thoughts, reminding her that there were more to come. Carefully nudging the little white and black bundle of fur that was her first daughter toward her stomach, Alena gave a gentle lick to the top of her head and whispered, "Jian," giving the pup a name. She took a deep breath and readied herself for the next.
