
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-29-2013, 08:03 PM

Erani listened to what he had to say, a faint smile of approval crossing her muzzle. This fellow, if he had been born in her Birth pack when she had been born, might well have been a choice to be an heir to take the place of Alpha male. Haunches rose and she gestured a suggestion to walk with her, head tilting to the fore, before she took a few steps. ?You?ve the heart of a Leader, yourself. A true Leader puts the pack before himself. He sacrifices things, like your loyalty for your father, for the pack. I have a feeling that that line you speak of, is something he may cross soon. If you were my son, I would be proud beyond words that you would set something you see as important aside for the good of the pack.? She cast him a smile. He may have been a stranger she?d only met, and in a pack that could possibly become an enemy if he Challenge went badly or wasn?t the last challenge they would hear, but she was proud anyways.

She walked for a moment, thinking of her family, how many their were after so long of thinking she was alone. Cormalin, Nova, her niece and nephews, her own children. Gabriel? Where was he now? And Nova? She shoved the thought away. The absence of her younger son and mate weighed on her. Castiel had been distant as well. And Lyric. Even Arella was often off on adventures. Only Surreal was ever present, working hard in her training, determined to become a strong member of the pack so that she could serve Valhalla. Just like her Uncle. Erani knew her eldest born daughter wanted more siblings. Sadly, that time was past. She was too old now, and Nova was gone.