
Northern Lights




7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
07-10-2020, 09:38 AM
Though Kirsi's life had changed quite a bit from what she'd expected, upon initially coming to these lands - not just to the north, but Boreas as a whole - she wasn't the least bit discontent with the way life had changed. It was different, though not unwelcome, from the sort of life she'd once lived. Though she'd feared her history would follow her here, and seeing Drifa had made her fear that was precisely what would happen, somehow she'd managed to disentangle from her former self, her old life. It was still hard to shake the feeling that her demons would always haunt her.. but then again, wasn't that simply part of life? Maybe she could never escape that. Regardless, Winterell had been a refuge from some of her trauma and she was content to keep it that way, though she knew she needed to do more to integrate with the rest of the pack, however tempting it was to spend her days with Song..

Hearing Acere's call certainly aroused some curiosity, though she was hardly nervous about what Winterfell's King might have to say to her. She'd done a damn good job in the raid and had given it her all, despite her lack of overall participation in the pack. Without dawdling too much she made her way to his call, to the ship that marked a regular meeting spot for the wolves of Winterfell. She wove around the side, glad to see he'd thought to move to shelter from the chilly wind that had begun to pick up. Though spring was just around the horizon, in the far north it always felt a bit like winter, even in the dead of summer. "My King," Kirsi greeted the much larger male, dipping her head respectfully as she drew closer, the faintest hint of a smile touching her otherwise icy features. "What's the occasion?"